For People with Bishop Rob Wright
For People is a conversation with Bishop Rob Wright, spiritual leader to the more than 50,000 people in the 117 worshipping communities of the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta. In this podcast, Bishop Wright meets listeners at the crossroads of faith and life to explore the challenges of an ever-changing world. Listen in to find out how he expands on For Faith, drawing inspiration from the life of Jesus to answer 21st-century questions.
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Knowledge speaks. Wisdom Listens. -Jimi Hendrix
I’m thoroughly enjoying and learning a lot about Christian Nationalism through this series. Representative Talarico is truly in the trenches in calling out Christian Nationalism for what it is, a political movement using Christ in a perverted theology that is not Christ like. I love the description of Jesus relationship to his people as antithetical of power and Kingship as defined in secular culture. We didn't understand it 2000 years ago and we still don't. Thank you for this.
That was an amazingly thought provoking podcast and spot on! Is there a way I can share it with friends? I always find Bishop Wrights's podcasts so engaging and full of good soul food. Thank you.