For People with Bishop Rob Wright
For People with Bishop Rob Wright
Loving Your Unloveable Neighbor | 5 Lenten Questions
Putting Jesus at the center of your life is learning how to love as God loves, which involves a willingness to sacrifice our preferred ways and outcomes in favor of Jesus’ way and his preferred outcomes. Spiritually, we haven’t grown up until we want God’s way more than we want our way! Life and relationships are so hard often because the love we have been taught and practice is fearful, thin, and fragile. No wonder it disintegrates when faced with resistance or enemies.
In this episode, Melissa and Bishop Wright have a conversation on the love of God and the hate seen in the world for neighbor and steps to take to love more and hate less. This is question 3 of a 5-part series.
5 Lenten Questions is a video series produced by the Diocese of Atlanta. The series is the writings of Bishop Wright and is produced by team members of his staff. The series also includes a Reflection Guide for each question.
Discover more about 5 Lenten Questions at episcopalatlanta.org/lent-2021