For People with Bishop Rob Wright
For People with Bishop Rob Wright
Kingdom with Luke Netto
Jesus tells the disciples the kingdom of heaven is like the smallest mustard seed that grows into a magnificent tree. When we step back from the notion that God only works through big miracles, we experience God's Kingdom through the smallest acts of faith. Through kindness to a stranger. Through serving alongside neighbor.
In this episode, Melissa has a conversation with Luke Netto, Chair of the Commission on Youth Ministry and member of St. David's Roswell. They discuss God's Kingdom, bringing heaven closer to earth, and where they see God in the world. Listen in for the full conversation.
Before listening, read For Faith.
Luke Netto is a rising senior at Milton High School in Milton, Georgia, and a parishioner at St. David’s Episcopal in Roswell. He is the incoming Chair of the Diocesan Youth Commission for the ’23-’24 school year and will help lead the diocesan youth ministries in various capacities. Luke plans to attend college after high school majoring in Political Science and/or International Relations with minors in Music and Religio. He also hopes to go to law school and enter a career in public service.