For People with Bishop Rob Wright
For People is a conversation with Bishop Rob Wright, spiritual leader to the more than 50,000 people in the 117 worshipping communities of the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta. In this podcast, Bishop Wright meets listeners at the crossroads of faith and life to explore the challenges of an ever-changing world. Listen in to find out how he expands on For Faith, drawing inspiration from the life of Jesus to answer 21st-century questions.
For People with Bishop Rob Wright
Bishop Rob Wright
Episode 140
Christian maturity is understood as having a vibrant relationship with God as Lord and friend, and a proficiency with the practices and tools of the faith. Tools like service, giving, prayer, silence and worship. Christian maturity is understood as: actively bringing our lives, lips, hopes, and conflict resolution approaches under submission to the teachings and example of Jesus. If we are honest, we all have work to do in maturing as a Christian.
In this episode, Melissa and Bishop Wright have a conversation about Christian maturity, what gets in the way, and some practical next steps to take. Listen in for the full conversation.
Before listening, read For Faith.